What Are The Effects of Sleep Deprivation?

What Are The Effects of Sleep Deprivation?

Believe it or not, you might die in a horrible road accident if you do not get enough sleep. Studies reveal, most car accidents happen due to drowsiness! If you think you can control your sleep, think again! Fact is sleep is stronger than your will power. If you are sleep deprived, you will surely fall asleep in places you should not! As is it, sleep is very important for your body to rejuvenate itself with fresh energy. An average adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. When you are sleep deprived, your performance throughout the day is severely affected. Listed are some such effects of sleep deprivation.

1. Attention deficit

When you are sleep deprived, your ability to concentrate is compromised. Your cognitive performance is seriously impaired if you do not have enough sleep. During sleep, the brain regenerates its capacity to continue working and when you do not get enough of it, the brain loses its capacity to retain memory, learn, concentrate and be creative. When you are sleep deprived, you cannot pay attention to anything.

2. Reduced energy

Though the muscles of the body can rejuvenate themselves even in a relaxed state, the brain requires sleep to rebuild essential neurons to continue functioning normally. Without enough sleep, the body does not feel the energy needed for day-to-day work. The lethargic feeling occupies the consciousness and does not provide enough motivation for any work.

3. Weakened immunity

Just as sleep is required to get well soon when you fall sick, lack of sleep can result in you falling sick. When you are sleep deprived, your immune system is diminished and it fails to protect you even from common viruses. Proper sleep is therefore essential to strengthen your immunity.

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Photo Courtesy : motoyen
TAGS: attention deficit, concentration, effects of sleep deprivation, More