6 Low Calorie Toppings To Add To Your Salads

So you’re on your way to the pantry to prepare yourself a nice, wholesome and healthy salad? All those veggies you added to your plate must be low in calorie and high on fiber, but you may spoil everything with the wrong toppings. When you choose your toppings, it is very important to do it wisely.

Your favorite toppings like fresh cream, bacon, blue cheese, croutons and candied nuts are harmful. Instead of adding them, why don’t you just grab a bag of your favorite fried potato chips? Don’t let your wise decision of choosing salads, be taken over by the foolish decision of choosing high calorie toppings. Try these alternate low calorie toppings by adding them to your salad.

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For a smart lady like you, it will be fun to experiment with different kinds of healthy toppings. Try them today and do tell us how you found them.

TAGS: antioxidants, beans, cancer, More