5 Reasons Calcium is Good for Women

3. During pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is mandatory to take extra care of yourself. Calcium should be a part of your daily meals. It is not only for the pregnant woman, but the fetus inside also needs proper amount of calcium for development of bones, and overall growth. Not only this, the baby inside the womb needs calcium to have a healthy heart and a normal heart beat, proper functioning of nerves, and muscle power. If your baby does not get good amount of calcium, then it may stream from your bones, which might be harmful to you in the future.

4. To increase estrogen level

Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone, which start depleting mainly after menopause. It is also a key factor when it comes to bone health, in men as well as women. Therefore, calcium becomes extremely important to keep the level of estrogen intact in the female body. It is said that the bone density in women declines by 20% after 7 years of menopause. Hence, it is advised to take sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins to avoid the risk of osteoporosis, and other bone related diseases.

5. It’s good for women athletes

It is highly important for women athletes to have adequate intake of calcium in their daily diet. It has been noticed that there are many women athletes, who suffer from a condition called ‘Female Athlete Triad’. This condition is frequent, due to low levels of calcium in the body. Female Athlete Triad comes with eating disorders, menstrual irregularity and osteoporosis, which become a threat to the career of many female athletes. This condition is often prevalent due to diet restriction and excessive training sessions.

Calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, soybeans, almonds and nuts, and flax seeds. Include all these items in your daily meals, and keep yourself healthy and fit for life.

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