Top 5 Winter Foods

4. Chocolates

There is nothing more warm and robust as a cup of hot chocolate to pep you up on winter nights. A steaming cup of hot cocoa, a favorite book or a classic movie by the fireside is a holiday dream come true. Due to its rich cocoa butter content, chocolate keeps the skin moisturized and also packed with natural antioxidants. Cocoa contains a type of flavonoid called epicatechin that helps to increase blood flow to the skin, boosting nutrient and oxygen supply that keep the skin healthy.

5. Tuna

Tuna and other omega-3-rich fish help keep your skin look beautiful and young and also prevents skin cancer. Tuna can be used for a variety of meals, which makes it an easy choice for many. It is also packed with selenium, a mineral that reduces inflammation in your joints, reducing pain in arthritis. It also works with disease fighting antioxidants in the body. Grilled tuna seasoned with salt, pepper and chopped thyme/dill is a healthy dinner option.

What not to eat

Avoid having heavy and fat-rich food like mac and cheese. Not only are they heavy but are also difficult to digest during winter and will leave you feeling sluggish. Packed with calories and sodium, it is not a wise choice during winters considering that physical activity is minimum during this time. On the other hand, you can use low-fat cheese, low-fat milk, and vegetables to add a nutritional value to it. Also try using whole wheat pasta instead of the normal pasta.

Chowders and bisques are nutritious but at the same time loaded with calories and sodium. Choose soups that are broth based, like vegetable or minestrone, and pair it with a salad or a whole-wheat roll. Go in for clear chicken soup, or try and replace heavy cream with low fat cream.

Don’t go overboard with the desserts. Keep a check on what you eat. Have only one or small portion of cakes and cheesecakes. Steer away from fried food as much as possible. Go for a jacket potatoes instead of French fries. Add some sautéed vegetables to your meal to balance the oil/fat intake.

Replace cream in recipes with fat-free half-and-half or low-fat milk. Use 2 egg whites instead of whole eggs in recipes. Decide the menu before hand and keep the dishes to the minimum. Balance the menu with an equal mix of high calorie and light foods.

Eat wise and stay fit and healthy this winter.

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