4 Easy Stretches to Practice Daily

3. Cobra Stretch

Lie down on the floor on your stomach, with your hands just by your shoulders, and your feet pointed. Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out, lift your upper torso as high as you comfortably can without letting your knees leave contact with the floor all the while thinking of lengthening from the top of your head and your big toes. Avoid pinching your neck, and breathe rhythmically as you hold the position for a couple of seconds. Make sure you hold your center. This one’s extremely beneficial for your lower back.

4. Butterfly Stretch

Now that you have stretched your back, and legs, and worked on your stomach all the while, the last stretch you should do daily involves the groin. Sit on the floor on your butt bones, push them into the floor to feel like you are lifted up, your legs are joined together at the feet with your heels lifted up and your knees as close to the floor as possible. Hold your feet and push your knees or inner thighs with your elbows and go forward while maintaining the length as far as possible, and then release your upper back. Keep breathing. Come to the starting position, and each time, reach further.

After all this, for cooling down, do a couple of roll downs, and rotate each arm a couple of times.

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