12 Things Happy People Never Do

7. Argue just to prove a point

Happy people do not argue unnecessarily. They avoid futile argument because they know that arguing does not solve every issue. Also, people who argue cannot be happy because the ugly exchange of abusive words takes a toll on the mind and stops happy thoughts, bringing in negativity with it.

8. Hold on to their past

Happy people know how to let go and move on. They do not hold on to their past. They live in the present and hope (not worry) for the future. Also, by letting go of the past, they focus completely on things which matter now and thus avoid all negative memories which never bear any fruit.

9. Worry unnecessarily

Happy people do not worry about things which are inconsequential. They are hopeful about the future and do not over think issues which are either out of control or things which do not exist. They focus on their happiness alone and thus avoid feelings which may bring negativity into their lives.

10. Take things personally

People who are happy do not take things personally. The main reason why so many people are complaining and are generally frustrated with life is because they think that the whole world is against them and everything is happening to make them feel more and more miserable. But obviously that is never the case. The only people responsible for how we feel are ourselves. Happy people do not take things personally and know that in the end it is what you think most of the time that matters, and creates your life experience.

11. Have expectations from others

Happy people know that happiness is from within, not from without. So they never have any expectations from others whatsoever. People normally get frustrated and upset when the people they give so much time and energy do not act as per their expectation or suddenly begin avoiding them. The key to happiness is minding your own business and not getting affected by the world outside.

12. Follow the crowd

The one thing that happy people do and is worth noting is that they follow their hearts and not the crowd blindly. A happy person will do what makes them happy rather than what makes others happy and what others expect them to do. This is the primary reason why those who try to please everybody else end up so miserable because pleasing everyone means giving up one’s true right to life.

If you can pick even a few habits of happy people, you will notice the drastic change it will bring about in your life and how very joyful and pleasant you will become as a person.

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