6 Reasons Why Bad Communication Will Destroy Your Relationship

4. Misunderstandings lurk around the corner

Lack of appropriate communication often leads to pointless misunderstandings. You and your spouse may spend days on end assuming things that were actually not insinuated. Most of the times, you might take your partner’s word as an indication of some sort of personal attack, which may not always be the case. Such things can only be clarified through proper communication. And if you both fail to communicate, there can be nothing that can save your relationship.

5. Trust degrades

When communication in a relationship breaks down, partners start speculating things about each other. The missing information about each other is filled in with conjecture. You and your partner might start assuming that either of you is hiding something, which may not necessarily be true. This often leads to suspicion and mistrust lurking into the relationship.

6. Seeking comfort outside relationship

Everybody needs a partner with whom they can share their thoughts and emotions. In case of your relationship, where you and your spouse don’t share good communication, either of you resort to other sources of fulfillment for your emotional needs. You seek comfort in your old boyfriends or girlfriends, office colleagues or even complete strangers. If you don’t appropriately communicate your needs and feelings to your partner, infidelity will creep in and destroy your relationship.

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