10 Ways You Ruin Your CV

10 Ways You Ruin Your CV

Almost all HR managers will agree that the quality of CVs has improved since the emergence of the Internet. However, there are many gaffes that you still find in CVs. Listed here are some such ways you may ruin your CV.

1. Using negative phrases

It is good to bear your mind out in CVs. But keep some things to yourself. You should ensure that you keep certain standard and elegance in your resume. Avoid phrases like ‘salary negotiable’ and ‘willing to do any work’.

2. Committing spelling and grammar mistakes

Do a thorough spell check first and then proof read the CV carefully. There is no excuse for spelling and grammar mistakes.

3. Making mistakes in years or chronology

There is no place in a CV for mistakes in years and chronology. Double check the date of birth, year of graduation, and year of joining.

4. Poor formatting

HR managers see the applicant through the resume. If it is poorly formatted or poorly written, then the applicant’s chances reduce significantly. Avoid half-baked resumes.

5. Assuming that one size fits all resumes

Different kinds of jobs require different kinds of skills. That is the reason why you must send different CVs for different jobs. One size does not fit all as far as resumes are concerned. HR managers quickly figure out the lazy mind behind such CVs.

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Photo Courtesy : kafka4prez
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