10 Signs you have a Vitamin B12 Deficiency

6. Numbness in fingers and toes

In some severe cases of Vitamin B12 deficiency, one will feel tingling in the fingers or toes, which can result in numbness. This happens mostly when you have poor circulation of blood or other neurological problems. Thus, the intake of Vitamin B12 is necessary for your body to produce proper amount of glycoprotein, which prevents the problem. This symptom can be treated with regular B12 consumption.

7. Forgetfulness and perplexity

This will happen when you have chronic Vitamin B12 deficiency. You will not experience this problem at a very early stage. But when your body is deprived of the correct amount of Vitamin B12, then some symptoms like forgetfulness, memory loss, disorientation or dementia start to occur. Moreover, such symptoms affect your neurological system in a bad way.

8. Tremors

Serious cases of B12 deficiencies cause uncontrolled tremors in the body. These movements become extreme in some cases, resulting in physical and mental disorders. Allow your body to take Vitamin B12 richly, in case of chronic deficiency like this.

9. Psychosis and hallucinations

These symptoms happen at later stages of Vitamin B12 deficiency. In case you are suffering from any kind of hallucinations or psychosis problems, it is advised to visit your family doctor or physician. You can experience audio as well as visual hallucinations, if you are at the advanced stage of such a deficiency.

10. Depression

One cannot take Vitamin B12 deficiency in a light manner. At advanced stages, you can go through severe depression that will affect your mental state for the long run. Any kind of depression is harmful for your body. The human body can function properly, only when you have a healthy and happy life. Thus, intake of Vitamin B12 is extremely essential.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be treated with some good care. In infants, one has to take care of their diet, as it can lead to severe damage to their nervous system, if not taken care of at the right time and age. There are many things that can cause B12 deficiency. Some of them are pernicious anaemia, diseases affecting your intestine, autoimmune disorders, excessive consumption of alcohol, and even drugs.

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