6 Ways to Take a Break from Technology

4. Cultivate an alternative hobby

One of the reasons technology seems to have taken over most of our lives is because we’ve made engaging with gadgets our hobby. If we need entertainment we switch on a movie on our tablet, or get glued to our favorite game or simply check people’s pages on Facebook. The point being we can’t think of leisure activities which don’t involve our gadgets. It is therefore not only a technology overload but also a threat to our creativity and curiosity. How about taking up pottery? Or painting? Or dancing? Such activities are creatively enriching and fulfilling and do not involve reliance on technology. Engaging in something you like is every bit as addictive as Angry Birds and also doesn’t turn us into couch potatoes!

5. Socialize more!

Well that’s what you do currently, don’t you? Only that we don’t mean the kind you do over the various networks you are part of – the liking of photos, the sharing of blogs, music, etc., over the internet. What we mean is actual face to face conversation. This mode of socializing though by no means is dead, is facing a very real threat from the technology driven interactions that we all seem to favor. Start meeting people in person – instead of texting that friend a very happy birthday, show up at his/her place and cut a cake. Meeting people, sharing a laugh together, eating great food and enjoying one another’s company are seriously fun activities and will also give you a genuine break from technology. Make that extra effort and go meet your friends – it is worth it.

6. Rationalize your gadget purchases

Electronic gadgets are nifty, shiny and oh so tempting. But before you buy that latest smartphone or jump onto the latest wearable technology trend, pause and ask yourself if you really another gadget in your life. It’s empirical logic that more the number of gadgets, more the dependence on technology. If you already have a laptop or a desktop and a smartphone, do you really need that tablet? The intrusion of technological devices in our life is not going to stop anytime soon , in fact it is only going to increase(think Google Glasses). Technology giants will undoubtedly want you to jump on every innovation and adopt it in your life, it is therefore on the consumer to decide for himself just how much technology is enough. Not only will it help you lead a less virtual life, it will also be a godsend for your finances.

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TAGS: alternative hobby, break from technology, dependence, More