8 Reasons Good Women Stay in Bad Relationships

5. She is too good to hurt her man

There are women who love their men, want to have kids with them, take care of all their needs and yet do not get the love from them. Still, such women do not fight back as they do not want to hurt their husband. This happens when the woman is just too good and has a loving heart that forgives the ruthlessness of her man. She quietly accepts her life as it is and continues living in a dream that he will understand and love her back someday.

6. She has had a beautiful past with him

There are women who have been in a wonderful relationship with their man for a long period in their life and it is only in the recent past that things have gone sour. This past helps them go on with their present. Such a woman cannot accept that the man that is now abusing her verbally or physically or who has lost interest in her is the same man that she once loved.

7. She thinks it’s too late now

At times being with a man for a long time makes it impossible for a woman to back out. She thinks that she has not seen a world without him and it is too late to be out of the painful relationship. So she sticks to it. The constant torture may lower her self-esteem and make her believe that she simply does not deserve a better life.

8. She thinks there is no way out

Sometimes women may fear for their life, and are scared to leave a bad relationship. It can also happen that the woman is not financially independent and feels like she cannot make it on her own – she is tied to the man she decided to be with.

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