Beauty Foods: Your Guide To Achieving Beauty, Naturally

5. Beans


Photo Courtesy: cookbookman17

Rich in vitamins, protein, iron, zinc and potassium, beans are your typical ‘all-rounder’ food which add many beauty elements for a woman. For starters, they are low in cholesterol. So that’s one worry out of the way. Second, they are beefed up with nutrients which promote healthy hair, skin and nails. Who’d have thought that Mr. Bean could do so much?

6. Tea


Photo Courtesy: Laurel Fan

This takes me back to watching those old ninja movies with my old man when I was a little girl. How those Asians sipped tea from their little cups always amused me. Only recently did I find out that tea is anything but amusing. Tea detoxifies your system, has superb anti-aging elements and also protects against sun damage. No wonder those beautiful Asian ladies have soft and supple skin. Tea is their secret. Do you know what the best part about this beauty food is? You will not have to go out of your way to get your hands on this magic potion. Order a tea instead of a coffee when you make your next trip to the local cafe. Make it a habit and feel the magic.

7. Berries… and other colorful fruits

Berries... and other colourful fruits

Photo Courtesy: jayneandd

Berries are loaded, and I mean really loaded with antioxidants. They’re great to keep wrinkles away and protect you from the damaged caused to your skin by free radicals. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, plum, raspberries and much more will silently work to keep your skin soft and smooth. They’re the best way to give your skin a natural radiance. And if finding time to eat berries is an excuse for you, add them to your breakfast cereal for a super healthy and beautiful start to your day, every day!

I have a list of these ‘beauty foods’ on my fridge magnet to remind me what to look out for when I go shopping. I suggest that you jump onto eating these nutrient-rich foods too, to give your skin, hair, nails and overall health a spark from within.

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TAGS: beans, beauty tips, berries, More