Tips For Managing A Large Team At Work

Tips For Managing A Large Team At Work

Getting work done from one person is a headache; imagine if you had to live with ten times that headache at work? Well, it happens. You will just have to figure out a way to kill that headache(s). Okay, not literally kill in this case, because those ten headaches are your subordinates. We’ll just try to make that headache go easier on you.

1. Identify the strength and weakness

The first thing to do is ensure you understand each of your subordinate’s strengths and weaknesses. This helps you assign jobs to them accordingly. When you give someone a job they love to do, it is certainly a good way to go about it.

2. Do not encourage ranting

If a subordinate comes to you to rant, just shoo him/her off in a polite manner. You should be an understanding boss, but learn where to draw your line. If you are going to be over-friendly, you might as well kiss your bossing privileges goodbye.

3. Learn to count on your subordinates

It is absolutely necessary to trust your subordinates. If you continuously ask them updates about a specific job, sooner or later, it will irritate them. And, do not set unrealistic deadlines. Remember a job sooner done is not always a job well done.

4. It’s all about requirements

Before asking your subordinates to begin doing the tasks, ensure you have made them clearly understand what each of them is supposed to do. There is no point if they are given the same tasks, or they do not clearly understand what is expected of them.

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Photo Courtesy : NCVO
TAGS: attitude, boss, career advice, More