8 Useful Tips to Feed a Picky Eater

5. Set an eating schedule for your kid

A lot of kids eat too many snacks which is why, they are least interested in the main meals of the day. So, set a eating schedule for your kid and give him a lot of food choices at his snack time. A schedule helps the kid to understand when to expect a cookie and when to expect the main meal. You can offer fruits, vegetables, yogurt, peanut butter, almond butter, cereal or a sandwich at the snack time.

6. Make meal time a fun time

Use little tricks to make his meal time fun. He might eat properly while having fun. For instance, you can cut foods into fun shapes with cookie cutters and give him a surprise every day. Give him a different shaped carrot slice every day to encourage healthy eating. Keep the mood happy and upbeat by talking about fun things.

7. Encourage the kid to help you in the kitchen

Kids might get more interested in healthy food after peeling, washing and picking different foods. Encourage your kid to help you prepare a meal. This will definitely increase the chances of him having the food he helped you cook. Let your child help you shell the beans, roll out the dough and wash the lettuce. This might make him try the food once it comes to the table.

8. Never forget to appreciate the kid

Don’t make a big fuss about his picky habits. Instead, talk about the right things he does on the dining table. You can appreciate him about his good table manners, his help in the kitchen and his habit of drinking two glasses of milk every day. Praise your child in front of his father and siblings. This will motivate him to continue the right habits and to adapt some new but good eating habits in order to get more appreciation. Criticism will only make kids repeat their wrong habits.

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