8 Tips to Deal with Your Boyfriend’s Flirty Girl Pal

5. Try laughing it off

You can tell her that you feel she’s got a crush on your guy and laugh loudly at this. When you joke about this, it may put the other girl off, as your laughter will demonstrate your confidence in your guy and being made conscious in this manner, she may withdraw.

6. Get ready for a fight

Should she persist in flirting outrageously with your guy, be ready to fight for him. If she’s unwilling to listen to reason, get ready to make a last ditch effort even if you have to indulge in calling her names and be downright rude.

7. Try ‘gossip’ to help you

The next time you both are interrupted by her, sit pleasantly for some time making polite conversation and then go to the ladies room. Spend a few minutes there. Later when you are alone with your boyfriend, tell him in a low and cautious undertone that your friends think that he has a crush on his girl pal, because he’s always happy with her when she stages her act. This could very well put him off and he may go out of the way to avoid his girl pal in the future.

8. A calculated risk

If he still doesn’t pay heed to you, you can take another boy into confidence– someone who knows him well– and try to flirt with that boy in the presence of your guy. This will not be appreciated by your guy; it’ll definitely make him jealous and, in a perverse manner, he may understand how you feel about his special friend, and will move away from her.

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