8 Old Wives’ Tales on Predicting Baby Gender

5. The taste of your cravings

Pregnant women are known to have acute food cravings that are a result of hormonal changes in their bodies. Old wives’ tales suggest that if you have salty or sour cravings, you may have a boy and if you have sweet or fruity cravings, you may have a girl.

6. Morning sickness

If you are pregnant and are throwing up every other morning, you could be carrying a baby girl according to an old wives’ tale. The tale also goes on to say that if you have never experienced morning sickness as a part of pregnancy, you should get ready to welcome a baby boy.

7. Heartbeat rate

It can be difficult to use this old wives’ tale to predict your baby’s gender by yourself at home. The next time you get an ultrasound of your baby, ask your doctor to tell you your baby’s heart rate. If it is less than 140 beats a minute, you may have a baby boy. If it is more than that, you could have a girl.

8. Dreams

This is a very beautiful old wives’ tale about knowing whether you will have a girl or boy. It is said that a pregnant woman delivers the exact opposite gender that she dreams about. So if you have been nurturing dreams and secretly wishing that you have a baby girl, you will have a baby boy and vice versa.

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