7 Good Health Tips For Children

5. Promote good hygiene

Hygiene plays an important part in health. Promote good hygiene habits in children, as this helps them to remain healthy. Brushing teeth two or times a day or washing hands after playing and eating are some of the habits.

6. Make them eat veggies

Most children tend to make weird faces while having veggies. Some of them do not eat vegetables, as they do not like them. Parents give them the liberty to have anything they demand for. If you want your child to remain healthy. You always have an option of making them eat veggies in different forms. Make them eat veggies using creative recipes. This will help them to remain healthy.

7. Include carbohydrates and fats

Do include some good carbohydrates in their diet. As children play a lot, they need energy in the body. Also, make them eat three to four small meals throughout the day. Healthy snacking options like fruits and cereals are always a good option.

Do follow the above health tips for your children.

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