5 Fun Facts About Pregnancy

5 Fun Facts About Pregnancy

We are calling out to all expecting mothers or women who are thinking of embarking upon this magical expedition. Pregnancy can be a tough journey but it’s obvious that all mothers cherish these months for the rest of their lives. Here are some pregnancy facts that you will love to know. Look forward to the best 9 months of your life with these pregnancy facts.

1. You can keep the sports going

Are you a woman who enjoys an occasional game of basketball, netball or any other sport? You’ll love to know this pregnancy fact. You should be able to continue playing sports almost throughout your pregnancy! Barring a few critical months, pregnancy will not restrict you from playing sports, within limits of course. But we suggest that you double check this pregnancy fact with your doctor to ensure that you are free of any complications during pregnancy.

2. You will gain healthy weight

We want all you pregnant ladies out there to breathe a sigh of relief because pregnancy is the only time that you won’t be pinned down for gaining weight. It is not surprising to know that your unborn baby needs nutrition. Your baby will take this from your body via the umbilical cord. So eat healthy, eat right and eat enough to suffice the nutritional needs of yourself and your unborn baby. One of our top tips on this fact is that you should be careful about weight gain during pregnancy if you are overweight or have weight management problems. Optimum weight gain will depend on your body type and individual characteristics, best suggested by a medical practitioner.

3. You must stay away from stress

It is a pregnancy fact that stress can lead to premature labor. So it is advisable that you lead a stress free lifestyle if you are going to be an expectant mother. Do you know what this means? This means that everyone around you will need to be patient, calm and tolerate all your needs and mood swings! We can’t think of a better time to live like a queen and demand all the service from your partner, can you?

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