5 Fun Facts About Pregnancy

4. It is the best time to quit on the vices

Do you smoke? Have you been trying to quit smoking but have never been successful? Smoking during pregnancy will increase the chances of you having a miscarriage or premature labor. Smoking during pregnancy can also increase the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other health problems. Take this pregnancy advice as extra motivation for your resolve to quit smoking today. This applies to other vices like alcohol and drugs too. Friends, your time to quit on the vices has finally come.

5. Changing the cat’s litter box won’t be your job any longer

Do you have a pet cat? If you do, it is time to celebrate because many experts advice that you should not be changing a cat’s litter box while you’re pregnant. Let us give you more insight into this fact. You can contract a disease known as Toxoplasmosis via cat feces. It may be possible for you to inadvertently ingest this parasite if you change the cat’s litter box. Let your partner know that he will have to be up for the litter box duty for the next nine months. And if he asks why, tell him this pregnancy fact.

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