17 Ways to Tell If Your Child is Autistic

10. Your child can not express his/her emotions

They have a hard time coming to terms with their emotions. They find it extremely difficult and uncomfortable to try to understand and speak about what they are feeling.

11. Your child does not seem to hear

They do not respond and seem to not hear when spoken to.

12. Your child speaks in a weird manner

They speak in an odd tone with strange pitch and rhythm and tend to end every sentence like a question.

13. Your child repeats words

They repeat the same word or phrase over and over again. Also, when they are asked questions, they repeat the question again and again instead of attempting to answer.

14. Your child has impaired communication skills

They have impaired communication skills. They use wrong grammar and language while speaking and refer to themselves in the third person.

15. Your child finds it hard to understand simple instructions

Due to their weak communication skills, they are unable to understand sarcasm, humor, undertones of irony and other subtle ways of speaking. They also find it difficult to understand simple instructions, follow directions or understand questions.

16. Your child has an unusual ways of walking

They have very unusual postures, ways of walking, limb movements and ways of expression. They come across as cold and hardly make any facial expression.

17. Your child finds it hard to adjust

They like routine and once they get accustomed to a schedule, they want it to be fixed. They react with tantrums and find difficulty adjusting with slight alteration in their sleeping time or if furniture is rearranged.

There are also many other symptoms and ways to look out for if you think your child is autistic. You should also follow your parental instincts and take necessary precautionary steps needed to avoid problems for your child in the future.

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