10 Tips to Keep Your Body Hydrated

6. Include salad in your diet. Cut one cucumber and one tomato to make a healthy salad. You must have this kind of salad at least twice a day before your meals.

7. You must drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Drinking this much water is very important for people who work out regularly.

8. Eat a lot of green vegetables, fruits and pasta. These food items contain useful vitamins, minerals and fiber which are essential for your body.

9. Include starchy food in your diet like whole grain cereal and yams. These food items maintain your energy levels and allow your body to work efficiently.

10. Drink a glass of water at least one hour before going to bed at night. This will keep your body hydrated all night. You can also have a glass of water in the morning. It will be great if you have this glass of water on an empty stomach.

You can check the color of your urine if you want to find out the hydration level of your body. If your urine is clear, then your body is well hydrated. But if it is deep yellow or yellow, then your body isn’t getting enough hydration. So, follow the mentioned tips and hydrate your body to have a healthier life!

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