10 Extremely Bizarre Phobias

6. Cathisophobia

This is the fear of sitting down. It can be triggered off by memories of some punishment during school days or due to a case of hemorrhoids or sitting on sharp objects.

7. Xanthophobia

This is the fear of the color yellow. Sufferers of the phobia have an irrational fear of anything yellow. In its extreme form, it may even include an overwhelming fear of the word “yellow.”

8. Hylophobia

It is an irrational fear of trees, forest or the woods. It might be triggered by stories of scary woods that one reads in childhood.

9. Nomophobia

Fear of being without mobile phone coverage. This term was coined a few years ago when researchers discovered this phenomenon. As per a survey, more than half the population in UK suffer from it.

10. Pogonophobia

This is a bizarre fear of beards of all kinds.

All kinds of fears generally have their root in something that might have happened in the past. Consulting a doctor often helps one get rid of irrational fears.

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