6 Tips to Age Gracefully

4. Ensure financial security for old age

We all desire independence at all stages of life, particularly in old age. Majority of the old are distressed because they become dependent on their children for finances. Making your finances secure for the days to come can give you confidence to hold your head high, even in the rainy days of old age.

5. Keep the mind, body and soul healthy

The most dreadful diseases sneak up with age; hence it is important to constantly keep them at bay. Work towards maintaining a healthy heart and a healthy mind because they are most affected with age. Cardiovascular exercises (walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, etc.) and brain teasers can stand guard to the heart and the mind. Finally, purge your soul of all hatred, hurt and negativity and breathe free for a long long time.

6. Stay positive

The feeling of loneliness, depression and isolation are woes of aging. Train yourself to become aware of these feelings and overpower them. The more you let the negativity of old age creep on you, the more it will engulf you. You are lucky you made it this far, many of your friends might have not. So think of each day as a blessing, a new beginning, and another chance to fight and triumph.

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