8 Tips on What to Do When Your Child Starts Swearing

5. Take help of negative reinforcement

Another effective method of getting your adamant child to stop swearing is the ‘swear jar’ concept. Here, you will take away the thing that he is most attached to each time he utters a cuss word. Your kid might initially throw tantrums, but eventually he’ll get the message.

6. Be an ideal role model

A good way of preventing your child from using expletives could be to set your own example. You can say that if his parents are looked up to by others, it is only because of good manners, polite language and classy behavior. If he wishes to earn the same kind of respect, he too would have to follow in their footsteps.

7. Set rules about swearing

Children pick up profanities very quickly. Your kid’s imprecations could put you in a tight spot. Make it clear that such kind of language shall not be tolerated. Take disciplinary steps like a ‘time out’ or a cut down on T.V and play hours, if necessary. These rules might get you some frowns and innocent glares, but they are important nonetheless.

8. Make them understand

While inculcating the right kind of values, parents also need to be firm and strict. Sit them down and make them understand lovingly. Demonstrate to them that cuss words can hurt others’ feelings. Emphasize on the negative impact of wrongful behavior. For the older ones, it’s all about firmness and care. And for the little ones, it’s more of love and proper guidance.

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