Tips For Safe Driving- Be A Better Driver

4. Rest before you drive

Do I really need to tell you to take a good night’s sleep before you hit the road on a long trip? Well no I don’t but apparently not everyone knows this. I strongly recommend that you stay away from driving if you are feeling stressed or tired. If you are on a daily commute in the morning like me– make sure you are wide awake and switched on before you hit the road. The best way to do this is to have breakfast before you head off. Did you know that even a little bit of fatigue will affect your decision making capacity? I suggest that if you suffer from any sort of discomfort, eye sore, or tiredness– stay away from driving.

5. Alcohol and Drugs– No means No

This tip takes me down the memory lane when I stayed over at my girlfriend’s house when I was 21. We had a drink or two of vodka each. One of the girls got a call from her boyfriend and decided to drive over to his place. “Oh two drinks will never affect me” is what she said before leaving with the keys. We found out next morning that she drove into a tree and had 7 fractured ribs, and a broken leg. Drugs are worse! Whether it is the one joint you smoked hours ago, or the line that you sniffed the previous night. Don’t take a chance. Take a cab or leave the driving to someone else. And by drugs I not only mean illegal substances. If you are on any kind of medication, I recommend that you read the ingredients. If you are like me and don’t know zit about such things– ask your doctor.

Safe driving goes a long way in protecting not only your life but also the lives of others out there. I mean, who would ever like to receive a call from the police to find out that their loved one was in an accident? I wouldn’t, you wouldn’t, and nobody would– so why take the chance? Follow these top tips for safe driving and be a better driver!

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