5 Things You should Never Give Up for a Relationship

4. Your personality

What you do, what you say, what you like are the kind of things that define who you are. When you start watching your words too much, change your style of dressing, bring about changes in too many of your habits just to keep the other person in the relationship happy, then you are losing a part of yourself each time you do this. Somewhere in the relationship, you are molding yourself as per how your partner wants to see you, rather than accepting you for who you are and how you are. You can’t let this identity and personality of yours get lost in the relationship, because sooner or later, it will start to make you feel very caged and claustrophobic.

5. Your space

And for a lot of people, this means their privacy too. There is a certain kind of individual space and privacy that everyone has in their lives, and it’s important for you to maintain that even after you are in a relationship. It’s not that you are being rude to your partner, but keeping your passwords to yourself, having a separate space and time for you to just sit and read or do something that you like, or keeping certain things unshared creates certain healthy fences around you, which let you be the person you are without someone encroaching into your space. That’s very important for you to be able to maintain your identity and cool in a relationship.

Try and stand up for these things in your relationship. These are not things that make you any lesser a good person, but help you to be who you are. Choose a partner who understands and respects these things, so that you can both build a healthy and understanding relationship together.

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