7 Things to Buy Before the Baby Arrives

5. Bouncy seats

You’ll never know how much fun a baby can have in a bouncy seat especially if you are a first time mommy. A bouncy seat comes with a lot of accessories like mobiles and other attachments and keeps your baby happy and engaged for a long time.

6. Hygiene and diaper supplies

You are going to be in need of a huge stock of diapers – cloth or washables and washcloths as long as your baby can express his need to pee or poop. Running out of them will be a big problem. Therefore, maintain good stock for as long as you are healthy to step out to refill your stock.

7. Clothes

How can one forget clothes for a baby? They come in different types and colors and are a pleasure to watch with or without the baby. Caring for your baby also means regular changes and keeping him clean and comfortable. Make sure the quality of clothes is good so that rashes don’t trouble him.

Every baby is different. However, many things are quite the same for all babies. So, make sure you get these items at least a few weeks in advance to avoid panic, rush and dilemma. Invest wisely for a better future and a happy baby.

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