Are you Stressed? Know Top 15 Ways To Relieve Stress

8. Pet

A pet is known to relieve a person from stress and forms of anger. A pet will make you feel better whenever you are around it. A dog is known as a man’s best friend and dogs have a tendency to always be close to their owner, whenever they are around. Cats, on the other hand, love to cuddle with their owners and you would often see a cat cozying up on its owner’s lap. There are so many other pets that you may want to have such as a fish, a hamster, white mice, reptiles, etc. Each pet has its own way of making its owner feel special. But nevertheless, they are great stress relievers.

9. Vacation

When stress is the problem, the very first advice given by most people is a vacation. A vacation may not necessarily mean a very long vacation to some exotic place. It could also be just a quick getaway to some place close to home. The idea behind a vacation is that you would have a change of scenario which would prove to be a relief.

10. Meditation

Meditation is a widely practiced activity in order to relieve stress and fatigue and it does give the desired result. Meditation is an exercise to relax the mind and bring tranquility to your mind. While meditating, try to keep your mind focussed on only one thing and try to ignore the endless chattering going on in the mind. With perseverance, you will tend to gain control over your mind and thoughts. This will allow you to keep negative thoughts at bay. Meditation will have a great calming effect on you and remove your stress.

11. Communication

For most people, communicating their problems to others is a great way to lift a worry off their head or relieve themselves from stress and tension. If there is a problem that is causing you stress, speaking to someone whom you are close to will help you in calming your mind. It is advisable to share your causes of stress with those who have known you over the years as they may suggest something to remove the cause of stress.

12. Cooking

Many people find cooking as a very effective de-stressor. When you cook, the chores of preparing a dish tend to keep you occupied and relieve you temporarily of the stress you may be facing. There is no joy greater than the joy of creation and cooking something new and unique. It will make you feel good about yourself. Not only will you get showered by praises for your effort, you will see the traces of stress vanishing while you are at work. The compliments you get for the food you cooked are the brownie points here.

13. Decluttering

It has always been a belief in different cultures and a greatly followed teaching in Feng Shui that clutter in the house leads to clutter in one’s life. A mess in the house is said to attract negative energy that leads to things going wrong for the residents of the house. Cleaning your house or throwing out clutter can act as a great stress reliever. Though it may seem a chore, it is just one of those tasks wherein the use of the brain is at a bare minimum and the end result gives a surprisingly good feeling.

14. Praying

Praying is one of the most widely used stress reliever. When you pray, there will be a feeling that your problems are being taken care of by God and when this feeling of having a support develops, it will give you a sense of reassurance that will relieve you.

15. Eating or Drinking

Occasional indulgence in the food or drinks of your choice is a great way to rid yourself of stress and tension. For instance, chocolate acts as an anti-depressant for many. However, this is temporary indulgence and a quick fix method to help relieve stress and overindulgence may prove pricey if you person get addicted to them.

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