8 Ways to Make Teeth Whiter

5. Stay away from certain drinks

Coke, coffee and even red wine is said to leave stains on your teeth and darken them. Hence if shiny white teeth is what you are aiming for, stay away from all these drinks. Otherwise no matter how much you brush your teeth, the stains will keep coming back.

6. Stay away from tobacco

Smoking and chewing tobacco is not only the cause of cancer but it also has certain seemingly less lethal but bad enough consequences, especially dark stained teeth. The first thing that you gotta do to have white teeth is stay miles away from tobacco products.

7. Try some offbeat ways

Eating strawberries and rubbing the inside of a ripe banana peel on your teeth is said to whiten the teeth and some people in fact swear about their efficacy. There is no harm in trying and if you are lucky enough, it may indeed give you shiny white teeth. So why wait? Just rush to your fruit bowl.

8. Go to the dentist

If all else fails, just go see your dentist. It might cost you a small amount but it will definitely give you crystal white teeth. But if you indeed have tried the above seven remedies, chances are slim that you will need to see a dentist.

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