8 Benefits of Apricot Seeds

5. Fights cancer

This is beyond doubt, the most controversial benefit of apricot seeds. Vitamin B17, found in good amount in apricot seeds, has been claimed to have not only analgesic properties which helps in countering the pain due to cancer but has also been claimed to have anti tumor and anti microbial properties although further research is essential to establish the genuineness of these claims.

6. Relieves pain

The pain relieving properties of apricot seeds have been known for some time. Hence, they are often recommended to patients of rheumatism and even people suffering from temporary spasm or sprains.

7. Lowers blood pressure

Amygdalin i.e. Vitamin B17 is again responsible for this particular benefit of apricot seeds. Hence, apricot seeds are recommended to patients of high blood pressure.

8. Contains antioxidants

Apricot as well as its kernel contains carotenoids which are well known antioxidants and given the wide number of benefits of antioxidants, especially claims of its capability to fight ageing, apricot seeds seem to be at the very top of the list of healthy foods.

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