7 Reasons Why You Should Admire Your Mother

7 Reasons Why You Should Admire Your Mother

Your mother is your first ever role model, before you start admiring anybody else in your life. Your mother is also your first friend, your first mentor, and your first playmate. She is there with you at all times, and is the one to be given maximum credit for who you are or what you turn out to be in life. So needless to say, there are more reasons than one to admire her.

1. She’s a multitasking hero!

She manages your whole family, their health, their education, their needs, household finances, her job (if she is employed), running daily household chores, supervising festivals and occasions in the house, being there for relatives and other extended family members, and a lot more. In other words, she does the job of ten people in one go. There’s a very famous quote that says that a mother’s job is the most thankless job on this planet, yet if you had to substitute her presence in a work scenario, you’d be hiring ten people to do what she does, and would still not get the same satisfaction. So respect her for all that she manages to give you a comfortable life.

2. She never says no

Mothers never say no to anything. Even if it means that they need to go out of their way to help their child, they never say no. They are always available, always ready to help you out, come what may. And as you grow up, you should realize that it takes a lot to be a person who never refuses to do anything. It takes a lot of courage, patience, physical stamina and love to be able to fulfill every wish and demand of a family.

3. She’s your lifelong support system

Others may back out in times of need, or may ditch you when trouble comes knocking at your door; but mothers stay. They are that dependable strong rock, and pillar of strength in your life, which remains intact come what may. For life, she is there to bail you out of problems, and to help you out in any form.

4. She puts you before her

A mother’s heart always thinks about her child first. Her heart is capable of crushing or hiding her own wishes, to be able to fulfill her child’s wishes first. Her kids mean the world to her, so she will always prioritize them over any other work, or any other person in her life.

5. She teaches you things that nobody else can

What a mother can teach you, not even the best of professors or schools can. She will teach you valuable lessons of life and relationships, which nurture you as a person, and make you a good human being. She will also teach you skills like cooking, knitting, cleaning etc., which may seem like household chores at first, but will eventually turn out to be your saviors when you start living your own independent life.

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Photo Courtesy : sxc.hu: Xanderalex
TAGS: admire, holiday, mom, More