6 Things You Must Post on Your LinkedIn Profile

4. Relevant recommendations

Recommendations must be dealt with care on LinkedIn and should be given a qualitative rather than a quantitative approach. Displaying a recommendation given by a family member, a professional from a completely non-related industry or someone much junior to you may not hold much substance. Relevant recommendations that come from people of significant stature and positions are advantageous because they give an overview of your real abilities and the details of different projects for which you have specifically received praise.

5. Add links to any other websites that you may own or contribute to

LinkedIn profiles allow users to post URLs of websites that they own or may be affiliated to. Don’t undermine the importance of posting this because it can add more charisma and personality to your profile. Use your discretion and link your professional blog or any other website you own or are affiliated to in this section. It may be a great conversation starter and it can make you come across as an interesting person with diverse interests.

6. Groups

Adding yourself to professional groups and communities on your LinkedIn profile will help you get access to a vast network of people from your own and related industries. More importantly, the logos of these groups will be displayed on your profile. Because of this anyone looking at your profile may be able to form an instant impression of how active and well connected you are online.

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