6 Things You Must Post on Your LinkedIn Profile

6 Things You Must Post on Your LinkedIn Profile

A LinkedIn profile can be used to search a job, change a job, build networks, interact with people from other industries, keep a tab on rivals, head hunt or socialize professionally. Whatever your reason of using LinkedIn may be, make sure you have the following vital elements covered in your profile.

1. A profile picture

It is difficult to put a numerical value on what difference a professional looking picture makes to a LinkedIn profile. A formal profile picture is likely to assure a potential employer that you are a real person behind the profile and increase your chances of being contacted.

2. Skills and expertise

Many LinkedIn users tend to assume that they can cover skills and expertise in the description they post under the sections of Experience and Education. But there is a separate tab called Skills and Expertise available on LinkedIn profiles in which you can list down all your areas of expertise in a capsule format. This may make it easy for other professionals to access and target profiles according to specific skill types or niches. It may also easily attract attention to your profile to fill a very specific job role.

3. Current status

Whatever you post under the heading titled Current in the Overview section of your LinkedIn profile may not necessarily give others an insight into what you want to pursue. For example, you could be currently employed but you may want to start community work soon. Or you might be in a part time job right now, but want to switch into full time mode. In addition to what you post as your current status in the Overview section, make your intentions explicitly clear in the professional headline under your name so that it can instantly grab the right person’s attention.

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Photo Courtesy : boellstiftung
TAGS: current status, groups, internet, More