5 Great Strategies To Build Confidence In Your Child

4. Do not compare

The problem: You want your child to be better than your friends’ children

The solution: ‘Look how Martha dresses. Why don’t you wear nice clothes too?’ or ‘Look at the amazing grades Tanny fetches in class. Why aren’t you doing the same?’ For all you struggling parents out there, we know you want your child to be the best, but take it easy. These lines are fatal for the confidence of your young one.

5. Expose them to people

The problem: My kids are too shy

The solution:
Are you a protective parent who never takes her kids to meet new people? You’re clearly on the wrong track. The easiest strategy to nurture confidence and self-esteem in your kid is to introduce them to as many people as possible. From Aunt Becky to grandma’s sister to Tabitha next door to the gardener Mickey, teach them to say hello to everyone.

That was neat, wasn’t it? Follow these simple things and you’ll have a confident child who’ll walk with his/her head held high, ready to take on the world.

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