5 Fun Things to Do at Work

4. Try some neck exercises

Ill effects of sitting on your desk at work include neck pain and body pain. When you get free time, simply try different exercises. Rotate your hands or legs sitting on the chair. Rotate your neck to make it more flexible. This might help to reduce work related stress and have fun at the same time.

5. Organize your desk

When was the last time you organized your work desk? De-clutter your desk if you have time. Get rid of things that are unwanted and waste. Be creative and organize your work desk by keeping things, which are interesting. Use some frames or a cool watch and have fun doing so.

Try new things when you are free at work. Another option would be to get some information via Google. Research on something, which you wanted to know. This could kill time at work and increase your knowledge. Go ahead and have fun!

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