5 Foods that Reduce Acidity

5 Foods that Reduce Acidity

Acidity is caused when the stomach produces excess amount of acid to digest the food we consume. The primary sign of acidity is unpleasant burning sensation above the stomach area or just below the breastbone. Prolonged acidity can damage the stomach lining along with the esophagus and can also lead to serious medical disorders like ulcers. Acidity can occur due to various reasons like unhealthy diet, natural acid buildup or heredity. However, certain foods can reduce the excessive amount of acid buildup in your stomach and by consuming such foods in increased amount you can successfully reduce acidity. Here are five foods that reduce acidity.

1. Oatmeal

If you are experiencing acidity, then oatmeal can serve you as the best breakfast. It fights acidity by gradually reducing the excess amount of acid in your stomach and it is one of the healthy breakfast foods that can fill your stomach without adding fats to your body. Besides breakfast, you can also have oatmeal as snacks at anytime of the day.

2. Ginger

Ginger is hailed as the cure-all herb because of its ability to cure and to improve different types of medical conditions including acidity. Throughout history, ginger has been used as an anti-inflammatory food for treating gastrointestinal conditions. You can have it in a candied form or can consume it along with your tea. Adding a little ginger paste to your everyday foods and to smoothies can also help in improving your digestion process.

3. Milk

Milk contains higher amount of calcium which works as an antacid medication for neutralizing stomach acid. If you are suffering from acidity, then you are highly advised to drink a glass of milk everyday as presence of large amounts of calcium in your stomach will neutralize the excess amount of stomach acid.

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