14 Things That You Must Always Have In Your Handbag

8. . Cash and Credit cards

Now, let’s come to the main use of a handbag. Cash is always useful while you’re traveling. You never know when you may require it. Hence, make sure that you always carry sufficient amount of cash depending on the place you’re going to.
It is not always safe to carry big amount of cash along. But you never know when you may unexpectedly require more cash than you’re carrying. Therefore it is always advisable to carry a credit card along when you’re traveling far away.

9. Mobile phone

Even in case you forget any of the above, you can always use your phone to call someone to help you out, instead of wandering on the streets searching for a phone booth. Apart from this, games on a phone will keep you occupied when you are super bored. In case of an emergency, a cell phone can be a serious life saver, literally!

10. Hand Sanitizer

A small hand sanitizer bottle is a very useful thing. Daily, you get in contact with germs unknowingly. A hand sanitizer helps your hands stay free of germs. And there are places where you may not get soap easily. Your small hand sanitizer bottle comes in handy then.

11. Safety pins

A safety pin can help you face embarrassing situations when your button has popped out or your zip is stuck down. So keep a few safety pins too.

12. Band-Aids

If your shoe is hurting your feet or if you want to cover a cut, a Band-Aid will always come to your rescue. Keep one or two.

13. Perfume

A bottle of perfume will save your day surely. Wherever you go, just spray a little and smell great. Small perfume bottles are available, so it doesn’t add much to the weight.

14. Hairbrush

Last but not the least, one of the most useful items that you should always have in your handbag. We don’t even have to tell you the reason.

Not having the right thing at the right time can lead to a lot of inconvenience or sometimes, even embarrassment. Hence, carrying a few important things along can be really helpful. Now you know that a purse does much more than just complimenting your outfit.

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TAGS: band-aids, cash, credit card, More