10 Fun Ways To Conserve Water

6. Install a better shower head

Saving water doesn’t get easier than this, ladies. All you need to do is install a new shower head! Many of us have that old shower head installed in our bathrooms. Installing a new water-efficient shower head will save water, and give you a great shower. I was a skeptic too, until I had a chat with the local council and they confirmed the same. In fact, they were even going to bring out an awareness drive to educate residents about the effectiveness of better shower heads.

7. Wash your veggies in a bowl or in the sink

Do you wash your veggies and fruit under running water? If you do, I suggest you try washing them in a bowl or a sink filled with some water. Not only does it save water, it makes your job much easier because you have less mess to worry about. Isn’t it fun saving on unnecessary work? Of course it is – I say the lesser the time spent in the kitchen, the better!

8. Always shave under the shower

Some of my girlfriends like to shave in the bathtub, and then take a shower. Girls, is it really necessary spending all that time in the bathroom? Wouldn’t you want to simply shave in the shower itself and get out of there earlier? You’d spend less time in there and spend more time showing off your beautiful radiant legs while sitting at the local cafe on a sunny weekend afternoon.

9. Harvest rainwater – the fun way

Did you know that you can build your own rainwater tank? Yep, you sure can. And a fun way to do this is get the kids or even your friends together and take it up as a project. It will be fun, memorable and best of all, great for the environment as it will help you harvest those precious drops!

10. Stop using your toilet as a bin or an ashtray

We all do it – whether it is that cigarette butt, or the small piece of tissue that you just used to clean your makeup, or that annoying strand of hair on the toilet basin, it is easy to throw it in the toilet bowl and flush it away, isn’t it? Stop doing it, and use a small bin in the bathroom. I don’t know about the fun element in not using the toilet as a bin, but hey, I can’t see the fun in using it as a bin either. Be sensible, don’t do it and save water.

As you can see, saving water doesn’t necessarily need to be dull and boring. Don’t think of it as a task, think of it as a ‘good thing’ that you are doing for the environment. The fun will set in automatically!

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