What to Do When You Are Feeling Hopeless?

5. Talk it out

Speak out your heart to a loved one whom you consider to be the best listener available. Don’t think about them judging you. After all, they love you and they will understand. They don’t have to come up with solutions, a touch of care, a hug or a shoulder to cry on is all what is important at this moment.

6. Take a break

If simple things don’t seem to be of much help and you see yourself getting more close to depression, you desperately need to take a break. Don’t follow your daily routine and avoid office work if possible, give your mind some rest. Do things you do on weekends. Indulge yourself in your favorite hobbies. If watching TV or reading is what you enjoy then remember, don’t watch depressing movies or read sad and gloomy books. Nothing should remind you of your despair.

7. Go somewhere

If the world around you still seems to be a horrible place and there is nothing you could do about it, then just set off to a new place. You could do that by yourself; being independent can put some living in your life. Meeting new people, being a part of a different culture and seeing some wonders of nature can only to do good to you.

It is perfectly okay to feel hopeless, but that is not how you should remain all the time. You experience hopelessness, you accept it and then you move on. Remember life is beautiful; it is all in you if you can see it. If it was actually the end of your world, then how come you are still here?

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TAGS: accept, break, cry, More