Tricks To Look Slimmer

Tricks To Look Slimmer

Every woman out there wants to appear slimmer than she already is. In order to achieve this, women go through several fitness routines and diet plans. However, the great news is, you don’t necessarily need to be really slim to appear slim. You can make your body look slimmer by following these smart tricks.

Wear dark colors

Darker colors like navy blue and black do not reflect light. As a result, any flaws in your figure do not get noticed. In fact, if you darker colors, anyone who looks at you tends to focus more on your face rather than your body. This way you get to hide all your flaws without actually sweating it out. If you don’t want to wear too much of black, you can also use this color only in the places where you have excess fat. For example, if you have heavy hips, you can cover it up by wearing black pants and a different color top.

Opt for vertical lines

Wear clothes with vertical lines. The vertical lines on an outfit take off the attention from the wideness of your body. Instead, it makes your body appear leaner and longer. Avoid wearing horizontal lines as they work on the same logic, making your body appear wider, rather fatter.

Wear V-necks, avoid turtle necks

V-necks make the neck appear longer than it really is. They also make the face appear longer, while the upper body looks slimmer. This can work as a great trick to cover fat for those who have a heavy upper body. Turtle necks, on the other hand, work exactly in the opposite way and give your neck a short and horizontal look. The result is, your face looks plumper and your upper body appears fuller.

Avoid large prints

This goes to pants, dresses or even tops. Larger prints make the whole body appear large. If you are already overweight, larger prints will work rather poorly in your favor. Instead stick to smaller prints, which will create an image of a small and slim body.

Wear heels

Wearing heels is another way of making your body appear more beautiful, feminine and slimmer. The simple logic behind this is, heels make you look taller than you really are. It also makes your legs appear longer and slimmer. Probably, this is the main reason why most celebs turn up in heels for the red carpets. Same goes to dancers who wear heels during a show.

Say goodbye to baggy clothes

Baggy clothes are meant for skinny people to add some volume to their body. If you are naturally blessed with curves, then you don’t need to wear them. Instead, they will make you appear fat and bulky. Hence, unless somebody puts a gun on your temple and asks you to put them on, keep them away.

Wear Spanx

Spanx is a garment that is worn under your clothes so that it holds your extra fat in, making you appear slimmer. It also hides any kind of flaws and lines that can spoil your look while wearing figure-hugging clothes. Seriously, whoever invented Spanx needs a thousands of applauds for such a creation!

Avoid garments with excess of bling

Bling or shine reflects too much of light. It makes you come under the limelight. So, unless you have a body to brag off, avoid wearing such clothes because they will reveal your flaws and goof up everything.

Choose the right haircut

There are different hairstyles that can frame your face perfectly well, thus, making you look thinner. As different hairstyles suit different faces, there is no particular hairstyle that can be recommended. But a professional hairstylist will be able to advise you on a perfect hairstyle that will suit your face and make it appear thinner.

Maintain a good posture

Last but not the least, maintaining a good posture can instantly make your body look like it has dropped a few pounds. A good posture refers to keeping your back erect and tucking your stomach in. It will make your body appear in a good shape, by making your tummy appear flatter.

Photo Courtesy : © Flexflex |
TAGS: clothes, dress slim, dresses, More