5 Tips To Save Time Everyday

4. Do your homework before you start anything

Instead of starting a project and then realizing that you are not prepared you should do your homework or research before. Clamoring at the last minute and breaking your head will only lead to more time loss. Have everything you need for a project or work before you start it. For example it would be time efficient if you had a stool, a nail and a hammer before you try to hang a picture on the wall. Instead of going back all the time to get each thing separately you could have everything at the same time.

5. Keep all your things at their designated slots

There are pretty alarming statistics on how much time a person loses every day and every year just searching for the keys. If you have a fixed place to keep your keys, make sure you put them at the same place every single day. The same applies to all your things. Put them together and put them in the same place so you won’t spend a lot of time looking for stuff. Keeping your thing at the same place also will make you efficient and save you a lot of time. Organized clutter is not always a good thing for you when time is a crunch.

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