Tips For A Successful Garage Sale

4. Create an attractive ambiance

If there is something that first attracts or repels customers from a shop, it is the ambiance. Use good lighting, put on attractive banners and set flowers to make the place where you conduct your garage sale attractive. Set up sofas and chair for shoppers to be seated on as well between shopping. Also conduct your garage sale at a place where passersby will notice.

5. Arrange things well

When you are setting up the place, make sure that you arrange it in such a way that it is easy for the customers to locate items. Separate products on the basis of their usage. For example, keep clothes on one side and shoes on the other. Similarly household appliances should be placed in a different section. This will make it easy for a customer to compare prices and arrive at a conclusion. It will also become easy for a customer to find products. Use labels to classify different categories of products.

6. Be present

Often customers tend to have doubts about products with regard to their usage. Be present at the time of the garage sale to answer queries of the customers. You can also work your charm on them by making a product seem attractive and in convincing them to purchase a product. You can take help of family and friends to be present at your garage sale to help, in case the number of customers increase. It will also help to keep an eye on the customers in case of theft.

Recycling is the best way to follow. If you don’t need something, instead of throwing it out, you can sell it to someone who might need it. Garage sales are becoming more and more common by the day. Do it the right way, and you will surely have a successful garage sale. All the best!

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