9 Weight Loss Tips for Women in Their 40’s

Weight Loss Tips for Women in Their 40's

Women in their 40s might find it a bit hard to shed off extra flab on abdomen or to get rid of those undesirable pounds. 40s is a challenging time for women, both physically and mentally. With menopause bringing about hormonal and emotional changes in women, weight loss might be a bit more challenging than usual. So to help you in your goal of loosing weight, here’s a list of 9 weight loss tips for women in their 40s.

1. Increase your protein intake

With increasing age, the body tends to burn lesser calories. Muscle mass decreases as fat deposits increase. So it’s better to increase your protein intake. Dig into those boiled legumes, pulses, beans and other protein sources.

2. Eat smartly

It’s time for you to start making smart eating decisions. This includes gradually reducing desserts, fatty foods and other high calorie foods from your regular diet. Replace these with generous servings of fruits and vegetables.

3. Get going

Remain active and alert. Even if you have a sedentary job or lifestyle, make it a point to stand up after every hour and stretch yourself or take a small walk around the room. The purpose is to get as much physical activity as possible. So get up and get going.

4. Resist stress-induced food cravings

It’s common for women experiencing menopause to get stressed out or feel depressed. The change is too much for them to handle at times. So it’s better to be aware of what stress does to your body and how it triggers over eating. This way you can handle your food cravings more effectively.

5. Don’t eat while gossiping/watching TV/reading

All this leads to overeating. Always sit on a table and eat. Be aware of all that you are consuming. This leads to a better control on your dietary intake.

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Photo Courtesy : Fort Meade
TAGS: active, age, eating, More