7 Steps to Help Your Child Find a Career Path

5. Get your children mentored by real professionals

Imagine what a world of a difference it would make if your children get to spend time with a professional in the field that they want to pursue in the future. Help your kids to seek mentorship from an industry professional for a few days or weeks. You can do this by applying for a mentorship or by seeking favor from a friend who may be a well established professional in the area of your kids’ interests.

6. Get your child to introspect

One of the important steps to help your children find the correct career path is to teach them how to introspect and question themselves. Ask them to be reflective about their own future. What would I like to do? Am I seeking money or happiness? Am I competitive or laid back? Will I be able to last in this demanding career? These are the kind of questions you should ask your children to reflect about in their free time.

7. Take your kids to career fairs

Even though your kids may be too young to actually make use of career fairs, taking them to such events will give them a good idea about the job market. They will get exposed to names of different companies and industries. This might inspire them to look those names up on the internet when they get home. In turn, it might get them thinking about the career they want to choose in the future.

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