Remove Stress With Aromatherapy Massage At Home

Sneeze your stress away

I promise to change my name if you tell me that you’ve never been driven crazy because of a running nose, a headache or an unflinching cold. Stress is not just generated from being overworked or from having a disturbed relationship. It can also come from mild health disturbances from the body. That’s what happened with me one day. My work efficiency was reduced to just 25% when I had a runny nose. And who comes to my rescue? Aromatherapy, you bet!

For relief from viral diseases like cold, flu, nasal congestion or cough, use a mixture of stress relieving Ravansara, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oil. Mix 10 drops in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and massage upper chest and back. They help fight viral infections and support the immune system.

For strong nasal congestion, stir up a mix of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lavender and Tea Tree oil. Again, mix 10 drops in 1 Tablespoon carrier oil and massage upper chest and back. It will lift up your spirits from a dull day by loosening congestion.
If you’re currently in the habit of taking steam to keep flu in control, that’s great. To make it more long lasting, if you add 4 drops of Sweet Eucalyptus, 4 drops of Scotch Pine and 3 drops of Lemon to it, then this vaporizer concoction will be strong enough to drive your flu away for months. An extra cautionary advice, if you’re making this vaporizer for your kids, use Eucalyptus Smithi – a mild element especially for children and the elderly.

Burn your stress away

Ever thought burning a candle could be stress relieving? If I said that to my six year old son, he would say, “Mom, that’s a magic candle!”. But this is aromatherapy’s special gift for us. These candles look just like regular candles, but are made from essential oil blends. These candles utilize the therapeutic properties of these oils and burning them slowly diffuses these oils into the air, which eventually benefits you, when you inhale it.

Soak yourself in the world of massage oils, mushes, bath salts, teas, diffusers, inhalers and various other aromatherapy applications. I’ve just given you my pearls of wisdom on how to relieve stress through aromatherapy and have a great all round well being. So, the next time a friend talks about aromatherapy being exotic, let her myths go for a toss!

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TAGS: aromatherapy, essential oils, lavender essential oil, More