Mother Teresa: Healer To The World

What gave her world-wide appreciation?

Although her charity work had their roots in Calcutta, Mother Teresa’s aim was to provide assistance to the suffering throughout the world. She rescued 37 children trapped in a hospital in Beirut? This was no ordinary rescue. This was done in the middle of the Siege of Beirut and Mother Teresa managed to negotiate a special ceasefire between the Israelis and the Palestinians while this was done. Wow, this kind of daring work gives us goose bumps! From helping starving people in Ethiopia, to earthquake victims in Armenia, and radiation victims at Chernobyl – she has done it all. Can you believe that by 1996, Mother Teresa had managed to setup and operate 517 missions, across 100 countries.

Who appreciated her?

Mother Teresa received phenomenal recognition for her splendid work across the globe. We are not going to mention the awards she has received because that would mean filling two pages. You get the point, don’t you? Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other big names throughout the world have acknowledge and given her full support in her work. It is no surprise that Mother Teresa have been the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Mother Teresa – Above and beyond

Mother Teresa’s death in 1997 has in no way diminished her presence. She had been bestowed the title of “Blessed” in 2003 after her death? An Indian woman suffering from a tumor in her abdomen was healed after applying a locket containing the picture of Mother Teresa. This was seen as a post-death miracle by the Vatican and the process of her beatification started. Miracles aside, Mother Teresa has left behind a tremendous legacy. Roads, churches, museums and various other structures around the world have been named after her.

Mother Teresa once said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” We think that Mother Teresa has paved the way for a better society and a better world for all of us.

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