4 Interesting Facts About Vitamin C and Common Cold

3. However, if you are planning to take Vitamin C to cure a cold or increase your immune system, take it through regular food and not with supplements.

Vitamin C can be found naturally in the following food items- citrus fruits and juices, green and red peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, dark leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, cantaloupe, raspberries, blueberries and cranberries, watermelon, Brussels sprouts, pineapple and cabbage.

4. Additional doses of Vitamin C isn’t going to give you any big benefits

The recommended daily dosage of vitamin C for adult males is 90 mg/day and for adult females it is 75 mg/day. Having more than the recommended dosage or taking more than 500mg/day to cure a cold is not helpful as your body really can’t store it. People with problems in their kidneys should also not take a lot of Vitamin C. Too much of Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and also upset your stomach.

According to the studies, you may not get a cure for your cold with heavy dosages of Vitamin C, but that should not stop you from eating foods rich in Vitamin C as it helps in the absorption of iron. Cure a cold or not, it increases the strength of your immune system.

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