7 Interesting Facts About Super Bowl Sunday

 Interesting Facts About Super Bowl Sunday

Of the many things that are truly American, Super Bowl holds one of the top spots for bringing the nation to a literal standstill. People leave everything behind to catch it either in the stadium or on TV. It creates such hysteria and is a beloved sporting event in the country that commercials rate go sky high and television ratings record an all-time high. Here are some interesting Super Bowl Sunday facts that you must know.

1. Chips and guacamole are unofficially the official food for Super Bowl Sunday

Over 8 million pounds of guacamole is eaten just on Super Bowl Sunday and 14,500 tons of chips are eaten along with that guacamole. Yummy treat to go along with a great match.

2. It ranks among the top most watched TV series in America

Nine out of the ten most watched programs in television history are that od Super Bowl games. No one wants to miss the high that comes out of watching the game and all the extravaganza that goes with it.

3. Roman Numerals is used to measure the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is measured in Roman numerals as the football season runs over two calendar years.

4. A mind boggling number of footballs are manufactured every year for Super Bowl

A jumbo 700,000 footballs are produced annually for official NFL use alone and 72 of them are used for the Super Bowl Sunday. That’s a lot of footballs to be produced in a single year. That’s how big the game actually is.

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