5 Home Remedies to Make Teeth Whiter

4. Rub banana peels

Banana peels contain important elements such as potassium and magnesium, which help to whiten and brighten teeth. Rub the peels on your teeth for around 10 minutes, followed by regular brushing. Do this twice or thrice a week to see a significant difference.

5. Brush with baking soda and lemon

Baking soda mixed with lemon juice can make a good solution to brush your teeth with, if you want to make them sparkling white. However, don’t use this solution more than once a week, as it can be too strong sometimes and can damage the natural tooth enamel. Consult your dentist if you face any irritation with this solution or have any other dental treatment going on simultaneously with which this might clash.

Make sure that you keep your teeth clean at all times by washing or rinsing your mouth frequently throughout the day, especially after consuming sticky foods. Always brush your teeth before going off to sleep and avoid food items that cause discoloration faster than the others. It is also good to visit your dentist regularly for teeth cleaning appointments, so that they remain healthy and white. That also prevents the build up of cavities in your mouth.

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