7 Facts to Know If You Suffer from Depression

5. A chronic illness or a death of a loved one can also push you into depression

Illnesses like cancer or AIDS can also cause depression. Too much pain and the inability to cope p with the disease or the pain associated with it can also lead to a very depressed state. It is very important that patients undergoing treatment for such diseases see a psychiatrist regularly.

6. Turning to alcohol or other stimulants when you are depressed can only make things worse

Turning to alcohol or other drugs even prescribed ones as a cure for depression can only make things worse off for you. Also know that the high’s you experience after these things are always followed by a deep funk. Prescription medicines too almost always come with side effects. Always look for natural ways to getting over depression than going for self-medication or mood enhancing drugs.

7. Exercise and physical activities can also lift you out of a depressed state

When you exercise or get involved in a physical activity, your body releases some hormones that make you feel good about yourself. There is no better way to lift up your spirits that by getting out and doing things.

Depression is not a disease and nothing to be ashamed of. You should never shy away from seeking help when you feel that you are depressed. It can save your life and can also make life easier for people who love you.

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